Bill Gates, Microsoft founder and gazillionaire: “Hey, Terry, How long have we had Windows XP on line now?”
Terry Myerson, Exec. VP Microsoft Operations: “Well, let’s see, going on 13 years now I guess.”
Gates: “Geeze, that long? Time to get rid of it don’t ya think?
Myerson: “Well, sir, we tried that with Vista as you recall and that went over like a fart in church so we’ve been counting on Windows 8 to win the public over.”
Gates: “Yeah, so why hasn’t that happened?”
Myerson: “Well, sir, the dadgummed XP still works like a champ. People love it and, as long as we continue to support the operating system, they see no reason to upgrade.”
Gates: “We can’t make money that way, Terry. How do you suggest we convince those satisfied customers into buying our new stuff?”
Myerson: “Well, it’s a little underhanded, sir and I almost hate to use the word.”
Gates: “What word?”
Myerson “Blackmail, sir.” Ya see, we could just stop supporting the XP operating system with anything new and convince customers that in so doing they’ll be vulnerable to all kinds of viruses and malware rendering their beloved computers diseased and useless. The only sure cure is to buy a new computer loaded with Windows 8..or Windows 7.”
So that’s how I, Doug Lund, once proud owner of not one but two Windows XP computers; a desktop purchased in 2005 and a laptop given as a gift upon retirement in 2006..have been forced into a technology filled room I had no need or desire to enter.
After considerable pondering and advice seeking, I finally decided to make the easiest transition and, after not finding one for sale anywhere in town, I ordered a new HP Windows 7 laptop from Amazon. (I tried to buy locally folks but even the stores are only carrying Windows 8)
I didn’t have a choice really. My old laptop, in fact, did contract a virus on the final day of our Texas trip at a Super 8 Motel in Perry, Oklahoma. It’s been sitting in the Keloland I.T.’s office since we got back and I began the search for a replacement. I’ve been assured that Adam will be able to retrieve my old data but that’s about it. That old HP has been mighty good to me..faithfully uploading blogs, photos and audio files from all over the world. She deserves better than what is likely to happen; removal of her hard drive which is then smashed to smithereens with a hammer so nobody can ever retrieve credit card numbers or other personal stuff and then unceremoniously dropped off at the hazardous waste disposal site.
So, I’ve been a long time without a laptop and must admit to being anxious for my new one to arrive on Thursday. Thanks to the same technology that I discounted earlier I was able to track my UPS shipment to within an hour of its delivery. So, there I was sitting on the front porch rocker looking up and down the street very much like little Ronnie Howard in that wonderful scene from The Music Man where he excitedly waits for the Wells Fargo Wagon to bring his new coronet.
Well, sure enough, right on time the big brown truck came rolling down our street..and then rolled right passed our house; stopping to make a delivery at the neighbor’s. But, it was only a tease because the lady made a yooee and came back my way with a package and a grin.

I just found out that Microsoft is going to begin procedures to stop support of Windows 7 in January of next year. I think I may have been re-Gatesed.
I had my brand new $650 HP Windows 7 up and running in short order and I must say that I absolutely lo….I really li…it’s just wonde….It’s okay.
I’ll get used to it.. I guess.