Geeze, am I becoming one of “those guys?”
You know, a typical man who has reached the age where we feel we can say or do outlandish things and don’t give a hoot what anybody thinks about it?
Well, maybe.,.because I’m afraid, as I follow the U.S. House of Representatives race..I have a hard time concentrating on what the two major candidates..Democrat, Stephanie Herseth Sandlin and Republican, Kristi Noem..are saying.

Stephanie VS Kristi
Mostly, what I think about is how physically attractive they both are and how ashamed of myself I should be for being such a shallow schlub and living down to the expectations of my friend and Keloland News Director, Beth Fuller Jensen, who usually just shakes her head in disbelief and laughs when I utter such apparent sexist remarks.
But, sorry…if anybody wants to take me to court over comments I make that both of these most able and qualified candidates are also real good lookin’ then..have at it.
I have a hunch that before the November election, the national press is going to put the spotlight on both candidates as well..and not just for their stand on the economy or healthcare.
Oh, and just to be fair..New York magazine recently had an article on the possibility of Republican South Dakota Senator, John Thune’s run for president titled, “Will voters be able to resist John Thune’s perfect sexy face in 2012?
Come on..what’s good for the goose is good for the gander.
Actually, such superficial comments aren’t good at all, I suppose, but it’s the reality of politics and has been ever since Lincoln grew a beard to improve his public perception.
In 1960, John F. Kennedy lost the first ever televised presidential debate to Richard least according to those who listened on RADIO..but for those watching on TV, Kennedy, looking young, handsome and virile, won, hands down, against the vice president who appeared anemic and disheveled with puddles of nervous sweat on his upper lip.
Anyway, I’m not endorsing either House candidate…just stating the obvious that both are real easy on the eye and wonder if their messages will get through in spite of that fact or whether they’ll be consulting with make-up and clothing experts to outdo each other enhancing their already exquisite features in order to win votes from chauvinist slugs like me .
I look forward to your comments of condemnation.