Weather forecasting is not an exact science, but it’s getting pretty dang close.
When I started in television, way back in the dark ages, forecasts were based, primarily, on barometric pressure readings. Our radar consisted of a black and white camera we had hooked up to the radar screen out at the National Weather Service. A dark grey splotch indicated rain..or hail..or moisture of some kind in the air. Keloland has always considered the weather to be important but, the only real requirement for being a weather man was a quick course in understanding how to read the weather wire..which is about all the information any broadcaster had to go on.
Just for fun, though, we used to regularly consult with Leo Hartig’s uncle; a crusty colorful an old guy named Tabbert, I think, who claimed to possess powers of prognosticating the weather with a reasonable amount of accuracy. Anyway, we’d prop him up before the camera at the beginning of the season to find out what kind of summer or winter lay ahead. That would never happen today. We take our weather forecasting VERY seriously.

Leo Hartig Weatherman in the 60's. Unlike his uncle, Leo used the latest scientific information for his forecasts.
What was once a simple weather set consisting of a map on which you wrote numbers and symbols with a grease pen, has transformed into “WEATHER CENTRAL” which takes up a third of the Keloland studio and contains hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of sophisticated radars and computer equipment connected to similar systems from all over the country and the world. Our four meteorologists not only have to be skilled communicators, but “scientists” as well in order to decipher, analyze and relay all the information available to them. I have to laugh when I hear some people claim that “Those TV weather guys rarely get it right.” The fact is, these days, they rarely get it wrong!
I say all this because I’ve been checking the local forecast for next week and it appears my golf season is about to come to an end for another year. I’m really going to miss not only the game, but the great guys that play in our group and just being out on that beautiful piece of ground tucked into the Brandon Valley where I’ve spent so many memorable hours over the last thirty years.

The view from the clubhouse patio is one of the lovliest anywhere.
2010 has been a rough go for most area golf courses, including and especially my home course at Brandon, mainly due to weather; lots of rainy stormy days have kept golfers away. Because of all the rain, Brandon was hit by a grass-eating fungus in August that gobbled away at the lush beautiful fairways. Hopes of fixing the problem with a major re-seeding were washed away last month when a torrential downpour caused normally tranquil Split Rock Creek to erupt out of its banks to unheard of high levels. There have been occasions when a couple holes would get flooded but this time the entire course was under water.

Brandon Golf Course underwater in September
Within a few days though, little Split Rock Creek had to face the reality that its designation as a mighty torrent was only temporary and it quickly and quietly retreated back to its trough. It did leave behind considerable amounts of silt which the remaining grass seedlings have taken a shine to. At least, the fairways are looking the best they have in weeks.
I had my best game of the year when we played on Tuesday so I’m anxious for a shot at one more round to close out the season on Friday. Next week it’s supposed to be rainy and colder. But then, there’s a chance those weather guys don’t have it right. Or is there?