Long time readers of these meanderings are more than familiar with the continuing saga of my 1990 Lincoln Town Car, fondly called White Lightnin’. In her 19years of faithful service, I witnessed, and recounted here, several examples of how she miraculously healed herself from numerous ailments including a leaky air suspension system and power steering unit, erratic heater, radio and power windows. All of these things magically started working again after I began making inquiries to sell or junk her out. It was as if White Lightnin’ KNEW that I wasn’t about to spend any more money on her so if she was to remain a viable contributor to our transportation needs, the car would have to self medicate. This lasted for two years but then last Fall the heater, which would always spring to life after I slid the control bars back and forth a few times, refused to respond. “I can’t drive you in the winter if you won’t warm it up in here,” I said. (Yes, I did sometimes talk to her.) But, she was apparently still mad over having to suffer the indignity of being converted into a leaf hauler each November.

She never got over this indignity
So, with a heavy heart, I made the chilly drive out to Nordstrom’s; half expecting the heater to kick-on just as I pulled into the drive-way. But not this time. I accepted my 30 pieces of silver from Doug Abeln of Nordstrom’s who saw I had my camera along to chronicle the sad event. He asked if I’d like a picture of White Lightnin’ actually going into the crusher. I said no and gave my old rusty friend one final love tap and headed for home.

Parting..such sweet sorrow
That would be the last time I’d ever see her..or WOULD IT??
Out of the blue this week, Doug sent me photos of the old girl but gave no explanation as to why she hadn’t been crushed as flat as Roseanne Barr’s singing voice. She had become a DONOR and lives on by providing her vital parts and thereby giving new life to other ancient Lincolns!
Go ahead and mock me if you will…but anyone who has ever named a car or believe your vehicles do indeed have personalities..will understand how proud I am of White Lightnin’ at this very moment.