Nearly five years of retirement has spoiled me. I don’t have to get up early in the morning anymore so I don’t. But sleeping in is not an option when your hosting a tour group of folks who have always been early risers. Besides, this tour of Alaska and the Yukon Territory demands that we get up and get rollin’ when the sun comes up. Well, that’s not entirely true since this time of year up here, the sun barely has time to set. In fact, when we get to Fairbanks, you have to keep; the hotel shades pulled tight to keep out the light long after beddy time. Our cruise aboard the Holland America ship was great. The group talked me into singing Karaoke one night up on the Crow’s Nest bar. They all thought I did very well. Of course they did. I was one of just four people who mustered up enough nerve and swallowed enough vodka to give it a try. The place was full but, like us, they must have all been shy Scandinavians because nobody was anxious to take the microphone and besides, I didn’t see any tunes from the red Lutheran hymnbook in the Karaoke catalogue.
Only had one scare aboard ship..aside from the fact that OUR lifeboat was in for repairs so we were counseled on how to tread water. (Actually, they assigned us to another) On Friday evening, Linda and I were heading up to the poop deck when the elevator got stuck. I’ve often wondered how I’d react in such a situation and I have to tell you it was not good. No screaming or open panic but I did just stand there staring at my toes trying to think good thoughts while waiting for the Prozac to kick in. After about five minutes, which seemed like an hour, the doors opened and we were free.

On Deck of the Volendam going through Tracy Arm Fjord

Setting up for a group photo after our arrival in Skagway

A beautiful overlook of Skagway with our ship and the mountains in the distance
I’ve got to end this because we have to be on the bus in ten minutes heading for Beaver Creek Y.T. where there is not only no access to internet or telephones..but no TV either. I have no idea how I’ll manage to sleep without it.
More Tuesday.
Ta Ta for now.