It’s been a while again, I know..but I’ve really had to think long and hard about whether or not I should offer up any political commentary here.
Linda says..NO! Good god NO.
I agree.
Why alienate any of the remaining Lund at Large readers by taking sides in this..the weirdest and most polarizing election in our history; and there have been some doozies.
For instance in 1800..Thomas his quest to oust his old friend John Adams from a second term as president, hired a noted pamphlet writer, James Callender, to come up with stuff like this: “Adams is a ‘ hideous hermaphrordical character which has neither the force and firmness of a man, nor the gentleness and sensibility of a woman.”
(I googled hermaphordical..and it means possessing both male and female sex organs.}
Uffdah. That’s pretty rough from the guy who wrote the Declaration..and, was also known as a lover of the arts, fine food and wine and not above a roll in the hay with the enslaved help.
Not to be out done, Adams hired a PR guy of his own who took out ads like this in the papers..describing Jefferson..his former friend and fellow founding “A mean-spirited, low-life fellow, the son of a half-breed Indian squaw, sired by a Virginia mulatto father. Allegations were made that he cheated his British creditors, was a supporter of French radicalism and assassinations of the aristocracy, and that he made a habit out of sleeping with his female slaves.”
Jefferson, won that election..denying Adams a second term.
I wonder if Hillary and Donald will one day rise from the ashes of accusation and embarrassment to eventually become friends and pen pals like Adams and Jefferson did till the day they died which occurred for the both of them on the Fourth of July…50 years after they each signed the Declaration Of Independence.
I’m thinking not.
Even our country’s most beloved president, Abraham Lincoln, had to shrug off accusations from the likes of Stephan Douglas who, during their famous presidential candidate debates, accused Lincoln of being a drunk..stating that the future emancipator could “ruin more liquor than all the boys in town together.”
But, I think it’s safe to say there has never been such a disgusting, vile, idiotic and embarrassing campaign as that which is being waged by the two candidates in this election.
Truth is, no matter who emerges victorious November 8th the American people..instead of coming together in a spirit of unity and hope..which we so desperately need.. will be even more divided than it is now and nothing will continue to get done in Washington.
If it’s Hillary..the macho, beer lovin’, gun totin’, immigrant hatin’, women need to know their place feelin’, bible quotin’ context abusin’ carpet bomb believin’ conservative crowd will have dug their non cooperatin’ heels even deeper in the dirt of hate and division.
If it’s The Donald, the doomsday liberals will be checking out housing options in Canada..convinced that he’s about to declare himself Der Fuhrer the glee of his disciples..begin sending undesirables off to camp while sitting on a golden throne with his thumb on the nuke-launch button and judging the fitness of women by their appearance and feel.
I don’t know how we Americans have become so divided nor the best course of action to reunite us. I certainly don’t want another 9-11 type disaster to bring us together.
I have to believe that no matter the outcome of this election, we as a country will somehow survive. We must.. for the sake of our kids and grandkids who are just as entitled as we were to a life filled with choices and free from fear and intimidation.
So, Lund..who you voting for?
Well, I appreciate those who say every vote counts. But, in the presidential South Dakota.. it really doesn’t and won’t until presidential elections are decided by popular vote.
So, Linda and I will be at the polls on Election Day proudly casting our ballots for candidates and issues in which our vote actually matters.
Don’t agree?
Have at it below in comments.