The aroma wafting from the kitchen of our humble little abode is almost as intoxicating as the screwdriver I’m enjoying whilst sitting at my man cave computer. (Why did I write whilst? I never use that pompous-sounding old English version of “while.” Perhaps I’ve OD’d on Charles Dickens this holiday season. Nah, you can never overdose on “A Christmas Carol.” I love that story. The real challenge, I suppose, is to make a game out of which version is your favorite interpretation of this classic. I’ve seen them all many times and, while ((whilst))I appreciate the early film versions: Reginald Owen,1938, it’s hard to watch early 20th century special effects through 21st century eyes. I wasn’t big on the cartoon versions..Magoo or Muppet. The musical versions were okay but preferred Kelsey Grammar to Albert Finney. I hated “Scrooged” with Bill Murray.
As for my all time favorite? It’s a toss up between George C. Scott and Patrick Stewart..but I lean toward Captain Picard. The role calls for a real Brit and, even though I never pictured Scrooge as bald, I felt Stewart’s transformation was the most realistic.)
Where was I? Oh, yeah. The house smells great because Linda is bustling around the kitchen baking cookies with delicious Rolo candies in the center, little loaves of luscious lemon and apple flavored breads which will find there way to our neighbor’s front doors. She’s also been mixing up her better than average giant roaster pan filled with Chex Mix that is heavy on the cashew nuts so people won’t have to contaminate the whole batch digging with their hands looking for them to pick out and eat. She’s also about to start making her famous Linda Lee brand Jams and Jellys which will also be included in her holiday gift packs.
She’s doing all this work while suffering from a giant pain in the a**. Now, I know your first thought is that would be ME..the husband. But, in this case it’s least not exclusively,
You see, we have started a new holiday tradition here at the Lund’s; we’re calling it, Linda’s Limbs…which one will she damage this Christmas ? Last year she suffered a mysterious stress fracture of her foot which resulted in her going through the entire winter confined to a plastic medical boot which didn’t heal until mid summer when she could finally wear her old shoes again. She has no idea what happened to cause the fracture. Hence the mystery.
No mystery this year, though. Two weeks ago, after returning home from a pleasant night out with our friends, Joanie and Denny, Linda remembered it was Wednesday and took it upon herself to set the garbage cans out for Thursday morning pick-up. Why, you say, was SHE taking out the garbage? (See last week’s blog) Unbeknownst to me, in the process of setting out one of the trash barrels, Linda’s feet came upon a patch of ice (see last week’s blog) and she went down like Rudolph in history. She didn’t mention anything to me about it until the next day and, other than being a little stiff, wasn’t in any serious pain. A week and a half went buy and, instead of getting better, poor Linda could hardly get up; the pain being confined mostly to one side of her…err do I put this delicately? Derriere. Tylenol offered some relief but by Monday it was clear that a doctor visit was necessary.
You meet some very interesting people in the Orthopedic Fast ER designed for folks who, like Linda, lose battles with slippery surfaces this time of year. Anyway, after an X-ray and thorough examination, nothing is broken except Linda’s heart at having to play hurt again when all the kids are home for Christmas. She’s on a combination pain pill muscle relaxer which has given her enough relief to do one of the things she really loves; the aforementioned holiday baking.

Linda opted not to have her picture included with her baked goods..fearing, I suppose, I’d attempt to get a shot of the injured area which, I’m pretty sure I would not do.
Me, I’m going to keep a close eye on the garbage can levels and remember to take them out on Wednesday.
Oh, one other thing. Steve Hemmingsen and I are getting back together. Okay, just for one night we’re going to be guests at the Old Courthouse Museum on Thursday evening December 19th to share some memories of our years at Keloland Television. It will include a video presentation and be part of the Minnehaha County Historical Society meeting at which all are welcome. No charge..7pm start time. Should be fun and hope to see a few of you there.