Having trouble getting and staying on-line here at our fabulous hotel resort on the Island of Kauai so while I have the chance I’m going to include some pictures with captions as quickly as possible especially for the families of the folks traveling with us who want to see just what mom and dad are spending the kid’s inheritance money on. Let me just say that Kauai appears to be a work in progress. A hurricane slammed the island in 1992 and nearly leveled the place which killed tourism. On top of losing the sugar industry a few years before that, it’s been a tough go. But Kauai has been making a determined comeback and the future looks bright.

It’s known as the Grand Canyon of the Pacific. Pictures just don’t do it justice. No govt. shutdown here.

There was a little fruit stand at the canyon where I bought some fresh pine apple. Oooh it’s sooo good.

The Hawaiian people are beautiful inside and out. Easy with smiles and so refreshingly courteous. These two young ladies helped us get checked in.

Linda hunts for shells in the ocean located just a hundred yards or so from our room. We watched surfers on the horizon for a couple hours.

One of those young flat bellied surfer boys finally came in and walked by Linda and a couple other ladies from our tour. He said you have a beautiful view from here.
There was a quick downpour that lasted about 15 minutes which is as typical as feral chickens on this little slice of heaven in the Hawaiian chain known as the garden Island. Now, it’s off to Maui to wrap up our Pacific Holiday. I’ll have part three later in the week with highlights from our Luau and other Polynesian adventures. As always, wish you could be here with us.