And, all of a sudden, it’s time once again for the grand exodus from the Lund abode. My son-in-law, Joe, has been hauling up great stashes of luggage, Christmas presents and other odds and ends from downstairs (their home for the last several days) into the car and the journey back to Lincoln, Nebraska.

How does Santa do it? says son in law, Joe as he packs up his sleigh.
There’s always a sadness when it comes time for this ritual especially since one piece of the precious cargo they’re taking along is 10 year old Zoey. It was grandpa date night Tuesday so we went to see the movie, “We Bought A Zoo.” We shared a bag of popcorn seasoned to her specifications with a white cheddar powder you can now purchase at theater snack bars. We both agreed that the film, about a widowed father (Matt Damon) who buys a rundown zoo in order to get closer to his two children, was good. I’m always puzzled, though, as to why, when it’s clearly a family movie, they feel obliged to include a few swear words in the dialogue. I slunk down in my seat a little bit out of embarrassment for Zoey, a fourth grader, who I know probably hears words like that and much worse on a regular basis but I’d rather she wasn’t exposed to such language on my watch..especially since it was so unnecessary in this movie.
Too much of a prude? Well..too bad.
Alarms went off at four O’clock Thursday morning rousing everyone from their slumber in order to get son James up and off to the airport in plenty of time to catch his flight home in Oakland through “Chicago.” We hope see him again in a couple weeks if he can get a cheap flight to Phoenix.
Yup..we’ll be spending another New Year’s eve on the road somewhere in New Mexico on our way to Fountain Hills Arizona..our home for the next month. They’ve already had huge snow storms and road closings along the route we take but, if weather sources on the internet are to be trusted, the snow has been replaced with sunshine and mild temperatures the entire way.
Linda has been busy packing and crossing things off the list of things we absolutely need to take along. But, in spite of our fool proof method of checks and balances, there is sure to be that point in our travels (usually while crossing Nebraska) when one of will have that palm-slapping-the-forehead moment followed by a mild expletive (not unlike the one Zoey heard at the movie) indicating we’d forgotten something. So far, it’s never been anything important enough to turn around and go back for. I’ll let you know what it is this time.
While Linda packs, I’m responsible for getting my clothes out, paying the bills, planning our route and getting the car serviced which took on special significance this year since Big Red has had a few issues. The guy at the lube place pronounced Red fit for travel so, with his blessing and a few prayers from me, we’re off.
As always, there’ll be no vacation from Lund at Large while we’re gone so keep checking in. I gloating about wintering in the warmth while my fellow Midwesterners suffer through the cold and snow. But, hey, maybe there won’t be any snow or subzero temperatures at all this winter. I know it certainly hasn’t been the kind of weather we’re usually anxious to escape from.
As we watch 2011 disappear in the rear view mirror…feel free to share what kind of year it’s been for you.
You all certainly have my best wishes for health and happiness in the New Year which I can just see out the front window coming up on the horizon.