I’m sitting in my favorite coffee shop, Dunn Bros. on East 10th..oops, excuse me, I guess it’s Arrowhead Parkway now. There’s nobody here named Dunn..but there is a nice lady (Doris) and her daughter (Emily) who own and operate the place.

That's Emily and Doris in this blurry shot courtesy of my inexperience with a new camera.
If you order the coffee of the day for a buck 65, and in a 12 ounce glass cup, you get one free refill which provides me with a healthy jolt of caffeine; usually enough to free me from a mind numbing weekend of food, football and couch dwelling. Doris roasts the beans on the premises which not only makes for a delicious fresh brew but stimulates the nerve endings and helps inspire me to do something besides program the DVR or sit around pondering eternity.
Sorry purists, but I like my coffee with a dash of half and half..or Coffee Mate if I’m home. It’s a habit that began after years of trying to drink break-room coffee at Keloland. Creamer was the only thing available to mellow-out the awful taste of coffee that had been festering on the burner for a couple hours because nobody but me would ever take the time to make a fresh pot. Anyway, I’m hooked on a bit of creamer in my cup which I’m convinced enhances rather than detracts from the flavor. (Argue amongst yourselves)
I’m not really a coffee house person…that is, I don’t come here all that often and I don’t show up to get into deep conversations with the regulars about art, politics or current events. It’s just a nice place to enjoy a tasty hot beverage and spend time in one of the designated computer-use areas surfing and writing; something I do all the time at home but, even though she’d never say anything, I know Linda needs me out of the house and out of her hair once in a while.
Today wasn’t all that quiet at Dunn Bros. so I searched through my computer bag..found my headphones and an FM radio station in Cleveland that streams big band jazz music on the computer and I’m content.
As expected, radio sports pundits..especially the annoyingly opinionated Colin Cowherd, spent lots of time this morning reminding listeners that Denver Bronco’s quarterback, Tim Tebow, may be a real likable faith-filled guy but his recent victories are based on luck not skill and it won’t be long before the bubble bursts. Let’s be honest, here. Tim Tebow isn’t doing this all on his own, but his never-say-die attitude, I believe, has totally rubbed off on his teammates. The defense, the offensive line and running game led by Willis McGahee, have been playing inspired and entertaining football.
I hope it’s not the kiss of death for Denver but since the Vikings are a lost cause, I’m rooting for the Broncos the rest of the way.
Since I was watching several games at once on the NFL Redzone channel, I didn’t see the shot of San Diego’s kicker, Nick Novak, relieving himself on the sideline.
Hey…take if from someone with a bladder the size of a salted peanut, it’s pretty difficult to concentrate on the task at hand when you’re full of liquid yearning to be free and pressing the point. Sometimes it’s just too long between halves. Maybe the NFL should put up port-a-pottys on both ends of the field..or cut back on the Gatorade.
Let’s see..what else?
Linda brought a few Christmas decorations up from the basement over the weekend and placed them strategically around the house. Nothing like the old days when our tree would be set up in a corner of downstairs, loaded with lights and ornaments then left to stand guard over a big pile of presents for our growing combined family. But, like I’ve said before, all but two of our grandkids, are grown up now so it was agreed at the end of Christmas last year that, from now on, with the exception of the two little ones, our present to each other would be our presence WITH each other. I suppose that sounds a little “Scrooge-like” to some of you but, I think it was a relief to the rest of our immediate family not to feel obliged to spend money we really don’t have shopping for stuff we really don’t need.
I’ll let you know how our little experiment at replacing materialism with merriment works out.
For now, that second cup of Doris’ coffee is kicking in. Thank goodness I’m not like the Chargers’ kicker and have a private repository just a few steps away.