Hunting Nightcrawlers

It appears that we’re in for a few rainy cooler days as we start this downhill run to the end of June. That’s fine by me as I’ve not been terribly appreciative of this leap from Spring to swelter with very few sublimely perfect 70 degree sunshiny days in between. No, Iike the experience of…

Dog Days Of Spring

It’s been such a nice day that I thought I’d leave the TV off and get a few things done. Number one was to give those pretty yellow flowers in the yard a second baptism of weed killer because the first one didn’t take. They must not be Lutheran dandelions. I have opened the back…

My Rock and Roll Roots

It was quite a weekend for this old scribe. Despite the inclement weather, the South Dakota Rock and Roll Music Association held its annual Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Ramkota April 14th and it was my honor to be among those inductees as part my 15 year association with the Mogen’s Heroes band.…

Palm Sunday Sacrifice

So it was congregation participation day at our little country church (Springdale Lutheran) on this Palm Sunday. Everyone..not just the kids..was issued palm fronds to wave as we marched around the sanctuary and gathering room singing. Our return to the pews was followed by a stirring and meaningful number from the enthusiastic adult choir. Then…

Chefs Of Keloland

I don’t dread Monday’s like some people do; never have really..except, maybe when I was in High School and Jay Ruckdaschel had promised a Monday biology test the preceding Friday. I suppose it’s because I didn’t dread my job at Keloland; especially since my work hours were such that I never had to set an…

The Miracle of Lent

What are you giving up for Lent? We Christians love to ask that question and compare the degrees of personal sacrifice and hardship we are willing to endure for a few weeks late winter..early Spring. Christian #1 “I’ve gone without chocolate for a month, thought I’d never get through it.” Christian #2 “Well, I haven’t had…


So, I’ve had a New Year’s resolution sort of forced upon me this January.  It turns out that my being officially classified as morbidly obese may not be the only reason for my lack of energy and shortness of breath at the slightest exertion. At the urging…nay, insistence, of my family, I finally went to…

Holiday Highs And Lows

1959 was perhaps the most interesting year of my life. I was 13 and it was a year of discovery..if you know what I mean. It got off to a rough start when less than two weeks after my birthday, we heard on the radio that Buddy Holly had been killed in a plane crash…

Happy 95th WNAX

Happy anniversary to WNAX radio in Yankton, “Your Big Friend in the Midwest.” It’s been 95 years since WNAX signed on the air making it not only South Dakota’s first..but one of the very earliest and most powerful broadcast radio stations in the world.  It really put our little state on the map with a…

Autumn Aromas

Well, it’s going to be interesting again over the next couple weeks trying to figure out which day our humongous backyard maple tree will decide to let its leaves turn from green to yellow and then drop them all at once like a clumsy waiter. It happens just that quickly as if our maple is…