“Ooga Ooga Mooska” from the Great White North!
Have arrived in Whitehorse, the capital of Yukon Territory CANADA!
It seems like we’ve spent more time in Canada so far on this journey than in Alaska..but we’re getting there. This is the first time since Seattle, we’ve had access to free internet..but civilization ends tonight when we stay in a remote little village called Beaver Creek YT at a hotel that doesn’t have TV or phone service so we’ll really be out in the boonies until Fairbanks tomorrow night.
The 4 days and three nights aboard Holland America’s Volendam cruise ship were great fun as were the stopovers in Juneau and Skagway.

Cruising one of the Fjords along the Inside Passage
I don’t know why Alaskan towns, known historically for attracting gold seekers have diamond jewelry shops every other building on main street. No, I didn’t buy Linda a diamond. I got her some neat under garments, though.
Speaking of under garments, we enjoyed a brewed beverage in Skagway at a place called The Red Onion. It celebrates the tradition of it’s origins..which was a house where soiled doves entertained all the lonely gold seekers trudging their way up the Klondike in the late 1800’s. You can take a guided tour of the rooms for the same price the miners paid for pleasure in them 110 years ago; five dollars.

I asked our waitress if I could take her picture. She pointed and said, "you're not turned on." She must have been talking about the camera.
We’ve had so many terrific experiences on this tour already and the best is yet to come. I’ll share a few more adventures and photos once we get settled in Fairbanks…but for now, we have just a few minutes to board the coach and head off into the awe inspiring wilderness.
The only wild animal Linda has seen so far is me.