Ha.. never thought I’d ever feel obliged to post a disclaimer on my scribblings here ..but then again, I don’t wish to alienate any of you good folks by publically discussing, without a heads up, (pun intended) a subject that most would consider to be rather sensitive…err..umm..
Erectile Dysfunction. E.D.
But, then if you watch network television these days, including “60 Minutes” which comes on the air at what used to be considered “family viewing time”, you’ve already been exposed to it without any advanced warning so I don’t know why I bother..but it has to do with advertizing certain products that have to do with ..errr..umm Sex. More specifically, intimate relations between people of advanced age (40 to dead) who are discovering that over time, attempts to satisfy their desires are coming up short, (pun intended) embarrassingly disappointing or downright painful.
In recent years, our lord in his mercy, has seen fit to hear those cries of despair and frustration coming from the bedrooms of empty nesters around the world and empowered pharmaceutical researchers with the knowledge to create medications to lift men’s spirits (pun intended) and ease women’s suffering.
All Hail PFIZER!
At first, these miracle medications were discreetly publicized..and then prescribed by a physician only after reluctantly confessing your most private shortcomings. (pun intended.)
It wasn’t long, though, (no pun intended) before Pfizer began a campaign to make ED part of our national lexicon. Nothing to be embarrassed about the ads suggested. Heck, they even got one of the toughest men of NASCAR, Mark Martin, to drive a race car with their logo plastered all over it.
Mark retired a couple years ago. Sadly, he never won a championship but everyone who follows the sport knows he should have because no driver in the sport ever tried harder. (pun intended.)
In recent years, the product has been well publicized on television with those washed-out color commercials of macho men getting their pickup stuck in the mud or putting water in the radiator of an overheated muscle car. The announcer did all the talking and the only suggestive part was the sweaty guy arriving home where he presumably popped a little blue pill he’d picked up at the drug store in town, grabbed a long shower (30 minutes to an hour) and then headed for bed where this time he would rise to the occasion (pun intended) much to her relief and satisfaction. Well, now for the first time, we’re seeing this lovely lady clad in her negligee looking all alluring telling us in TV land..including the entire 60 Minutes audience..that she’d much rather curl up with a man than a book and there’s no shame for a fella to not be able to finish what he started. Half the guys over 40 have problems in that area. (if ya know what I mean..heh heh) So, why don’t ya load up on Viagra and come over and see me sometime. Now back to Leslie Stahl on preschool education.
UNLESS, of course, the experience is too painful due to post menopausal dryness.
Yup.. that’s the other commercial I saw on “60 Minutes” shortly after the “cougar” lady promoting blue pills to help her man finish what he started.
Man, that one made this old prude glad there weren’t any grandkids in the room to ask questions.
I’m not unsympathetic to the problem of vaginal discomfort for women past a certain age whose significant other still has longings (pun intended) or recently discovered the power of blue, but frank discussions of creams and application techniques, make me squirm almost as much as if I were to discuss the pros and cons of circumcision at the dinner table.
I used to wonder how I’d know when my time of relevance on this earth was drawing to a close..and it’s showing up every day folks..mostly with how we’re expected to accept stuff that just seems wrong..be it in television, politics or the bedroom.
Which reminds me of how Ole and Lena were sagging (pun intended) in that department so Ole went to town and purchased the item promising to make him more manlike again. He started taking it as directed but when he failed to measure up (pun intended) he finally explained to Lena that the doggon stuff just don’t work and showed her the package. She said, “Ole, you dumb ting. This is Vigoro..not Viagra..Vigoro is plant food.”
“Oh, Vell,” said Ole, “That would explain the berries then.”