Well, that was simply the nicest 4th of July I can remember in a lifetime that’s included 65 of um.
The weekend began on a rather ominous note, though.
The weather was so nice Saturday I suggested to Linda that we take a spin in the Camaro with the top down. We tooled around town for a while and then I got a hakerin’ for Nutty’s which not only offers a million or so varieties of cold brewed beverages on tap but also is the last bastion of bars that still passes out free salted-in-the-shell peanuts by the barrel full and encourages customers to just chuck said shells right on the floor. We grabbed a big cup of nuts, placed our order then sat down in the open-air section of Nutty’s where a lovely gentle breeze was blowing. Everything was just perfect until we got up to leave and both forgot the little step that separates the two bar levels. Linda was leading the way and didn’t see the little row of Christmas lights on the floor placed there to mark the change in elevation. It’s a horrible sensation to be walking along and all of a sudden your foot goes out and it’s like stepping off a cliff. In this case, the cliff was only about four inches high but enough to send Linda cascading downward. There might have been a period in my younger quicker-reaction-time-days when I could have nobly reached out and caught her safely in my arms but all I could do here was watch in slow motion as she collapsed to the floor in a heap with only discarded peanut shells to cushion her fall. The waiter and I did manage to get her upright and she adamantly tried to convince us that she was alright; more embarrassed than injured. But after we got to the car it was clear from her skinned knees, throbbing toe and aching wrist that she had not escaped entirely unscathed. They all began to morph into a lovely deep shade of purple and blue before my very eyes. So Linda is now sporting a wrist brace and has her broken big toe taped up to the “little piggy that stayed home.” No we didn’t over imbibe and no we’re not suing..just making a mental note for next time that Nutty’s is a split level establishment.
The really wonderful part of the weekend was just sitting around a table with family on the beautifully shaded backyard patio at our daughter Patty’s house. With the water feature gurgling away in the background, we sipped wine and munched on the always delicious Keg fried chicken. We were also pleasantly surprised by a delightful Moroccan dish prepared by granddaughter, Allison, who just returned from spending 6 months in Europe. It was lovely seeing her eyes light up as she recalled all the magical places she’d been and people she’s met.
L to R Linda (she's hiding the black wrist bracket on her left arm) daughter, Patty, Me, Son-in-Law, Joe and daughter, Suzan. Joe and I are firm believers that during a friendly argument over movies, talking louder makes us more convincing.
Later, we were treated to a modest but thrilling curbside fireworks show put on by the grandchildren. The chicken must have been really good. I look full.

Allison prepares to send great billows of colorful fog into the neighborhood with her supply of smoke bombs.

Michael found firecrackers that explode on dry land or in water. Perfect for sending cans with a little pop left inside, soaring into the heavens. Okay, ten feet tops.
Zoey tries to muster up a wee bit of excitement over some little string poppers which don't deliver much on danger or thrills even if you're nine.
The Lund 4th of July celebration concluded with just enough light left in the day for one game of bean bag toss. Then, after a bit of a struggle, Michael and Suzan finally managed to get wood ignited in the fire pit so the roasting of marshmallows and making of smores could begin.
There’s just something about a fine day such as this sitting around the flames of a friendly fire surrounded by people you love and those who think you’re okay too, that is so totally American and satisfies the depths of your soul.
Now, before I break into a verse of Kumbaya, I’ll close with one other observation: If it’s against the law to shoot fireworks within the city limits of Sioux Falls the jails wouldn’t have been big enough to hold all the criminals running wild last night in our neighborhood alone…including us, I suppose. So, thanks Sioux Falls police for, just this once, maybe looking the other way and not being too tough on us. It’s the American Way.