One of the reasons that Linda and I have, what most people would consider, a secure stress-free relationship ( for the most part) is because we’re a multi-TV couple.
I’m afraid if we had to watch the programs each of us like, there would be less harmony and more harrumphs.
As it is, with three flat screen TV’s at our disposal..( I know that seems extravagant but..) she can watch her Lifetime movies while I tune-in to some obscure program on the History or Discovery channel..maybe even a car auction on Velocity. We do pair up for a few programs like Big Bang Theory, Antiques Roadshow or a Minnesota Vikings game.
Which brings me to this past weekend; a perfect storm of must see TV.
We both got caught up in horse racing a few years ago. Well, the Derby, Preakness and Belmont anyway. Like much of the country we made it a point to follow the exciting “California Chrome” nearly win it all last year and then, this season, we’ve made it a point to cheer on “American Pharaoh” all through his Triple Crown victories. Then on Saturday, Pharaoh lived up to everybody’s expectations and handily won his final race; the Breeder’s Cup in championship fashion.
I haven’t gotten that excited about horse racing since the amazing performances by “Secretariat” in 1973 when he won it all.
Saturday night we went to the VFW to hear the terrific “Chute Rooster” band but every few minutes I had to go check the bar TV for a World Series score.
I have two DVR’s at home but Sunday that didn’t seem like enough.
It was our turn to serve refreshments after church so I had to record CBS Sunday Morning..then NFL football. Our Vikings played the Bears at the same time the NASCAR race was getting rolling in Martinsville. I hit the record button for that with lots of extended time in case there were lots of wrecks. (I can usually zap through a 4 hour race in half that time by fast forwarding through commercials and long cautions.)
Once again, Linda and I did everything within our power to avoid shouting unfortunate expletives at the TV but when you’re Vikings fans it’s a nearly impossible cross to bear. So, we could hardly believe it when, like “American Pharaoh” Minnesota came through to win on the very last play.
After the game, Linda and I went to our separate lairs while I rewound and watched the NASCAR race which also ended in spectacular fashion with my favorite driver, Jeff Gordon, in his final season behind the wheel, taking home the checkered flag and increasing his odds of winning a fifth series championship in three weeks.

One of the good guys of racing, Jeff Gordon overjoyed at another win during his final year as a NASCAR driver.
That’s three major sporting events that went our way; rare, indeed for me.
Now could the Royals possibly make it four by winning the World Series and beat the Mets on their home turf?
But wait, that game is on at the same time as the Packers-Broncos. And that’s on at the same time as “The Good Wife” and “Madam Secretary.” And they’re all on at the same time as the PBS Masterpiece series, “Home Fires” that I’ve gotten hooked on.
My DVR’s had better not fail.
They did not. It was early Monday morning by the time I got to celebrate the Royals come from behind victory.
Then to see Payton Manning silence all the naysayers by taking it to Aaron Rodgers and the Packers in a game of the unbeatens.
It was just the icing on an unbelievably satisfying and joyous weekend of sports television for me. One in which everything went just as I’d hoped and will likely never happen again.
If I’d had a third DVR I might have been able to record everything and gotten out to enjoy one of the last really nice days of the year. But Trobec shouldn’t forecast such lovely weather when there’s a Perfect Storm of sports and entertainment on the air.
Sports will be taking a back seat to other important matters next weekend, however, as daughter Suzan will be celebrating a milestone special birthday November 6th in Lincoln.
She is simply a remarkable daughter, wife, mother and loyal friend; wise, giving and compassionate, she is loved by all who really know her especially me.
Happy Birthday Suzan Lund and may God bless you as you have blessed us all.