Glub, blub….
It’s not just Keloland dealing with torrential rains. We’ve been seeing the same guy with the long white beard gathering up animals two by two all through Iowa, Missouri, Illinois and Kentucky as we continue our trek to the east coast.
There was a break in the storms long enough for us to stop in Springfield, Illinois and spend some time going through the Abraham Lincoln home where he and Mary Todd lived for 17 years before they moved to that bigger house in Washington, D.C. never to return except in a box. Speaking of which, Lincoln’s tomb is equally impressive.
We’re off to Lew-ah ville today to see where the thoroughbred horses run for the roses and sometimes die in the process. Denny and I wanted to tour the Louisville Slugger factory where they make the famous baseball bats..but that brought a rather indifferent response from the back seat so I guess we’ll press on arriving at our destination Thursday.
All diets are off as the four of us load up on snacks at most every gas stop and snarf them down like we were in the last days. Have any of you tried the caramel Bugles? Oh, my gosh..that’s the greatest combination man has ever come up with using God’s creations of sugar and corn.
Haven’t have an internet connection since this morning and now there isn’t time to post any pictures but will later. I’m sure you’re all anxious to see Mary Todd Lincoln’s actual indoor toilet.
Until then, keep your powder dry.