The Perils of Paula

For those of you who are smugly satisfied at Food Network Star, Paula Deen’s fall from grace after admitting she has used the “N”word in the past; fill in the blank of this little poem: “Eeny, meeny, miny, moe, catch a ………….. ” When I was a kid, we all used this counting rhyme every…

Say Cheesy

Just enjoyed a delicious stir fry with veggies picked from our own garden. Okay, it was just a green pepper from the one potted pepper plant on our back step but it couldn’t have been more fresh or tasty thanks to the creative efforts of God and Linda.  I’d show you a picture but it…

The Drumming Angler

My usual sedentary lifestyle has taken a turn toward the wild side this week; two days of fishing for walleye on the Missouri River and a non-stop weekend of playing drums and singing with Mogen’s Heroes first for an event at Willow Run and then headed for Aberdeen for Saturday and Sunday shows at the…

Gone Fishin’

Here we are in Lake Andes, South Dakota about to depart the Circle H motel for another day on Lake Francis Case in search of the  wylie Walleye, which, save for a couple of “dinks” that found my line, have managed to skip the nite crawler lunch I offer on my hook..opting instead for the…

A Good Day Up Nort’

Whenever I’m out and about which is, admittedly, not all that often, people come up and reminisce about my time on Keloland News and invariably ask about what Steve Hemmingsen is up to these days. Well, I can report that Steve is alive and well in his adoptive hometown of Hendricks, Minnesota living with his…

My Twist On Twister Science

Okay, I get it. Stop being such a gloomy gus, Lund. Sheesch. Not easy to do when it’s primarily the weather that’s got you down in the first place and , once again as I write this, it’s dark as dusk outside with claps of thunder in the distance. So now the month of June…

Attitude Adjustment

Another dismal drippy dreary day as the month of May schlumps out the back door hopefully embarrassed at not having lived up to expectations once again. Saturday’s skies showed promise so Linda and I put the Camaro’s top down, cranked up the heater and headed north to Volga to decorate my folks’ gravesite. While at…

Give Me Some Space

Just got back from a private showing of the hottest movie in the country, “Star Trek Into Darkness.” Well, practically private. I think there were about three others at the Tuesday 1pm matinee at Century theaters East.   I know it’s typical for me to pee and moan about the movies I see; too expensive, too…

Misty Water Colored Memories

It’s been interesting, this week, to see the cherry tree outside my window fill up with buds and birds, keeping a stiff upper limb pretending that last month’s devastating ice storm never happened. I made a rather feeble attempt to trim back some of the surviving branches to help it regain a sense of symmetry…

Two Women

First of all, HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY to all of you who qualify. The upcoming holiday got me to thinking about a couple of classy broads who played a significant role in my TV career and who’ve recently celebrated significant birthdays. I know some of you might think the term “ classy broads”  may not be…