The Sound Of Silence

Tick tock, tick, tock. It’s been over a week since I’ve been able to hear that familiar sound coming from our old Regulator wind-up clock that my dad found and restored so many years ago which hangs on our kitchen wall.   I must say, the silence is deafening; something Linda and I will have…

My Favorite Christmas

As with many regular series, Lund at Large has taken a week off for the Holidays but I’ve brought back a personal favorite and included updates since December 24th 2013 is a very special anniversary for Linda and Me. We both send all of you our wish for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.…

It’s Christmas, Give Her A Break.

The aroma wafting from the kitchen of our humble little abode is almost as intoxicating as the screwdriver I’m enjoying whilst sitting at my man cave computer. (Why did I write whilst? I never use that pompous-sounding old English version of “while.”  Perhaps I’ve OD’d on Charles Dickens this holiday season. Nah, you can never…

The Price Of Procrastination

I suppose I shouldn’t use Lund at Large as a vehicle for confessing my shortcomings, but I’m Lutheran and sometimes we just need to get a few things out on the table without bothering the minister.  Don’t worry, I’m nearly 68 years old and there’s nothing too saucy about my existence that would require an…

Illuminating The Christmas Spirit

Tried to jump start my Christmas Spirit last night by taking my bride for a ride to check out the lights; especially those at Falls Park.  I know Mayor Dave Munson took a lot of heat for his persistence in developing the Phillips to the Falls project but, honestly, as one who remembers when that…