Opening For Styx

Well, my temporary return to playing drums with Mogen’s Heroes on Wednesday came off with no glaring errors. Oh, I did snag a drum stick on the snare ring while attempting a “dramatic” paradiddle. It went flying from my fingers but for some reason I managed to grab and catch the thing in mid air…

Drought Or Drouth?

I stopped at my favorite sweet corn stand Thursday hoping the crop had improved from my last visit before we left for South Carolina. It hasn’t. Apparently, farms around Adrian, Minnesota haven’t had any rain either to speak of meaning a short harvest and short ears. I suppose it could be God’s way of telling…

Olav Pays A Visssit

It’s another beautiful day. Go on outside and look at your phone for a while.     What a whirlwind week! Linda and I managed to get re-routed home from South Carolina, and the Lund Brother’s family reunion, a day early after receiving news of her mother’s passing. But, of course, it was a lot…

Place Of Mulberries

Greetings from steamy South Carolinia and lovely lake Keowee..a 26 mile long man-made body of water which was designed for use to keep 3 reactors in the the nearby nuclear power plant cool. (And no, it’s not a concern.)The two dams on the lake also generate electricity the old fashioned way..using gravity to spin turbines. The…

My Cool Friends

Sorry it’s been awhile since my last entry. Just too hot to write. Wait..why would you have to go outside to put a few words together for a blog? Oh, alright..that’s just an excuse. It’s  laziness plain and simple plus a total lack of anything happening in my life that’s worthy of sharing. The heat…

Hog Heaven

I sure hope Heaven is my final destination because I couldn’t take the heat of Hell. It felt like Hell on the golf course Tuesday as I tried to tuff it out through the constantly rising temperatures. The same valley, from which this lovely lay-out was carved and helps to shelter players from the full…

The Aroma Of The Fourth

As long as others in the entertainment business don’t have a problem presenting Summer re-runs, I thought I might drag out a  timely blog written a couple years ago; sharing some Fourth of July memories from my youth.  Enjoy and, hey, be careful out there. I see that the fireworks stands are open for business again.…

Doug Is All Wet

On “staycation” this week with our friends, Denny and Joanie.  To celebrate our shared anniversaries and Denny’s birthday in late June, the four of us usually head off on lengthy sojourns by car or plane to some distant destination. This year, part because Linda’s mom isn’t doing so hot  but mostly as our way…

A Scaled Down Blog

I receive lots of e-mails and Facebook entries that feature someone’s idea of fascinating subject matter whether it be pithy sayings, preposterous political propaganda, religious rhetoric, dirty jokes and cartoons or photographs..I’m sent lots of photographs. Some I cannot click DELETE  fast enough, others get a quick glance but one I received last week kept…

Rotties And Dobies And Pitties..Oh My!

What has four legs and one arm?   A PIT-BULL!   “What are you gonna write about in your blog this week, Doug?” a friend asked the other day. “Well, I’ve been thinking about  weighing in on the debate over whether or not certain breeds of dogs, like Pit-bulls, Rottweilers and Dobermans, should be banned…