Bye, George

  Actually, I never felt like I knew George McGovern well enough to call him by his first name. He probably wouldn’t have minded if I did but my respect and admiration for the man on so many levels would make such a familiar greeting akin to addressing the pope as Benny.  I, like most…

From the Bully Pulpit

October is National Bullying Prevention Month.  Of course it’s also National Breast Cancer Awareness month, National Black History Month and National Popcorn Poppin’ Month. The point is, I don’t pay a whole lot of attention to these designations aimed at calling my attention to some cause or event. But a TV anchor in Wisconsin has…

A Bunch Of Blarney

Soooooo. Who do ya think won the first presidential debate?   Don’t answer that. I mean REALLY don’t answer that because I really don’t want to know. There are plenty of political blogs out there for folks to fling feces back and forth; delighting in anonymous confrontations over which presidential candidate they believe has solutions…

King For A Day

So far this week out Holiday Vacations tour group has enjoyed exceptional weather for visiting all the tourist places; a bit of rain and wind but, hey, this is Ireland. Linda and I have, in a short time, grown to love it here. Our traveling companions are all top notch; our tour guide is wonderful…

Top Of The Mornin’ To Ya

Having a wonderful time..wish you were here. Okay, corny but true. Linda and I, along with 41 other fine folks on this Keloland/Holiday Vacations tour of Ireland (many of us “Plus Size”) unfolded from 8 and a half hours sitting in way too cramped airplane seats and hit the ground running in Dublin. I suppose…

Erin Go Lunds

Linda and I, along with about forty other Keloland viewers, are about to be “Enchanted” for the next nine days. We’re leaving on another “Holiday Vacations” adventure which, I’ll bet, has many of you “green” with envy. We’ll be spending 10 hours in airports and another 10 hours on airplanes before arriving in Dublin, Ireland,…

Oh, I Love A Rainy Night

Finally..a gloomy, rainy, chilly day. I love it! Now, you might think a chronically depressed person such as I would assume the fetal position and cringe into the corner of a dark room when such a day occurs. But after months of excruciating heat, wind and drought, a wet cool respite (which once occurred at…

A Hemmingsen Afternoon

“Hey, Lund..why don’t we ever see you out and about on the weekends anymore?” Some of my old musician pals often ask me that question. Linda does too, for that matter and it’s true, we used to go out on Friday or Saturday nights quite frequently to hear live bands but lately I just haven’t…

Comfort Food For Thought

Great day for a motorcycle ride. Bike stops. Install  new set of sparkplugs..(no easy chore) Bike stops. Now it sits taking up space in the garage like a big lifeless black lump on wheels and I’m faced with the prospect of having it hauled off to the repair shop to be fixed for…