Christmas Exodus

 A couple more runs to the airport to send our two warm weather offspring back to their coat-free comfortable climates and that will be it. Christmas is a wrap for another year. All in all, I’d say it was a good one. Our two youngest grandchildren, Zoey and Ella, seemed delighted with the bags of…

Christmas 2012

Well, we snuck by the end of the world projections on Friday. I must confess, I was sure the Mayan calendar was a bunch of hooey..but kept counting the hours until Saturday officially arrived all around the world. Come on..I’ll bet I’m not the only one. Anyway, it didn’t take long for the cartoonists to…

Suffer The Little Children

Try as I may, there’s no pretending that last Friday in Connecticut didn’t happen. It did. Now, as photographs of these precious little ones, who were slaughtered without mercy, appear on the internet, I just can’t look at them. Like many of you, I see my own children and grandchildren in their innocent faces and…

Holiday Cheers

It’s just one minute after high noon on a Monday and I’m already on my second Bloody Mary. Now before you look up AA in the phone book (It’s toward the front) to forward me the number..or start planning for a Lund intervention..chill.  I’m retired, it’s below zero outside, and I don’t plan on leaving…


 “Good Golly Miss Molly,” Little Richard is now 80.  I thought that was a pretty clever line until I Googled Little Richard, in order to confiscate a recent picture of the rock and roll legend, only to find that lots of other writers had beaten me to it. That’s the thing about the internet; you…

The Conversion Of Angus

Does anyone else wonder if Angus Jones..who plays Jake..on the popular TV series “Two and a half men” may be pulling the public’s leg with his comments this week that the show is filth and urged people not to watch? Or is the 19 year old, who has been on the series since its inception…

Gone In The Twinkie Of An Eye

My dad had a lot in common with TV’s Archie Bunker. Oh, he wasn’t a bigot like Arch, but he did love his Hostess Twinkies and would voice his displeasure to mom if there weren’t any in the lunch box when the old man was working out of town. Archie called Twinkies “The white man’s soul…

Medicine Show

What’s in your medicine cabinet? Do you ever wonder if guests peek in yours when they excuse themselves to the bathroom? Have YOU ever sneaked a peek in someone else’s? I remember a Seinfeld episode when Jerry couldn’t resist looking in his new girlfriend’s medicine chest and discovered a tube of fungicide there. Even though…

Table Manners

Linda has been on a mission of late; to rid our house of “stuff” that hasn’t seen the light of day in years. She goes on these tangents occasionally. They’re usually brought on by anger and frustration over having to move a mountain of boxes to get at something stored deep in the bowels of…

Come On Snow

I guess I’m glad it snowed a little; covered up the reality of a yard buried in leaves..most of them imported from up or down the street depending on which way the hurricane force winds have been blowing. We’re usually the last ones in the neighborhood to get ours picked up because, like a nervous…