The Best Pizza I Ever Ate

Take a look at me and it’s obvious; I love to eat. It gives me great pleasure and comfort but it also brings profound distress because the price of that pleasure is having to shop at the big and tall men’s stores for awful looking clothes that scream “loser.” Anyway, one of my favorite programs…

Fine Art

Well, I’ll be darned; Art Linkletter has died.
I was just thinking about him the other day and wondered how he was doing because I knew he was well into his 90’s.
97 as it turns out.
I even went to Youtube to watch a few clips from his popular daily TV show in the 50’s and 60’s; Art Linkletter’s House Party…especially the hilarious segments where he interviews the kids.
As a broadcaster, I always admired Linkletter’s great skills as an emcee and interviewer with a special gift for ad libbing.
I told him as much when he was in Sioux Falls several years ago to be the featured speaker at some huge conference on aging.
Through my job, I’ve had the privilege of meeting and talking with lots of celebrities and am often asked what they’re really like when the cameras and microphones were off.
Well, I can assure you that Art Linkletter was the real deal; as genial, enthusiastic and funny as he was on radio and TV.
Not like Tony Randall who stormed out on an interview with Steve Hemmingsen (probably at that same aging conference) because Steve asked him a question about Felix Unger from The Odd Couple when Randall specifically told him not to.
Anyway, after my interview with Art Linkletter I mentioned that I do a lot of feature stories on Keloland TV and wondered if he’d share a couple of his secrets to making people..especially children..feel at ease and “Say the darndest things.”
“Don’t ever talk down to kids,” he said. “They understand a lot more than most people give them credit for.” “Also, try avoid any question in which they can respond with a simple yes or no answer.
“Basically, though, he said., LISTEN to what people are saying. A lot of guys can talk but paying attention is hard for some to do. Oh, and be nice. Usually, folks will relax and be nice right back.”
Art Linketter was often asked about his favorite comment from a child he was interviewing. But there were just too many to choose from.
One of my favorites was when a little boy revealed that his daddy was a policeman who arrested a lot of burglars. Linkletter asked if his mother ever worried about the risks. “Naw, she thinks it’s great,” he answered. “He brings home rings and bracelets and jewelry almost every week.”
There’s a wonderful interview with Linkletter done just last year when he was about to enter the final year of his life.
You can check it out here.

P.S. A reminder that with our new blog system I have to approve your comment…but only once. So I hope a lot of you regular readers will respond so I can get you checked off. I love your responses both positive and creatively critical.

Too Hot To Handle

Warning: To avoid serious burns, possible blindness and severe humiliation, do not open radiator cap when engine is hot. Oh, come on..I thought to myself, they always present the worst case scenario in these automotive cautions. Like when’s the last time a battery actually exploded because somebody didn’t hook up the connections correctly? Besides, I…

Yards, Cars And Nooks

  When the sun finally came out Saturday I knew there would be no more excuses; I had to lift my ample posterior up off the couch and out in the garage to fire up the lawn mower. The grass had gotten so high I wasn’t sure the old machine had enough power to wack…

Don Shelby Retires

 Steve Hemmingsen stopped by the house one day last week. He was in the neighborhood and could only stay a minute. A couple hours and a few drinks later (Coke for him, vodka for me) he left for home in his giant new pick-up truck that saves gas by burning 85 percent ethanol and a…

Fair Questions

  I admit that I don’t follow the news as closely as I used to but how in the world did I miss this one? Minneahaha County Commissioners, according to the Argus Leader, are considering options to sell the Sioux Empire fairgrounds and maybe relocate the event! W.T.H.?? Where did this come from? I’ve seen…

Painless Dentistry?

Dentist this morning. I have a lovely young lady that takes the x-rays and cleans my teeth. She’s pretty gentle with me and the experience is more annoying than painful. It’s just an uncomfortable hour of sitting there hoping my stomach doesn’t growl and that the three brushings  I did with cinnamon flavored Crest was…

Waxing Nostalgic

Way back in the dark ages (1975) I was called into the office of Keloland TV president, Evans Nord. It had been just a few weeks since I’d been chosen to co-anchor the Big News at Ten with Steve Hemmingsen. Oh, god..I thought..this is it, he’s going to fire me. “How ya doin’ Doug? Have…