GM, The Events Center And Other Annoyances

Sorry, it’s been awhile since my last entry. I’ve started several blogs in the last couple days concerning a few issues that I find troubling but then had to ask myself, “Do you really want to go there?” So I’ll try to be brief. Monday, General Motors finally filed for chapter 11 bankruptcy. Usually, that…

Linda And I Have Been Stimulated

  Like manna falling from heaven kept the desert-roving Israelites from starving to death in the old testament, Linda and I have just received a blessing from on high too; a pair of Social Security bonus checks totaling 500 dollars for…well, I guess I don’t know why. Perhaps it’s just a little something from Barack…

Oh, What A Night!

To be honest, I wasn’t sure how many would actually show up at the Shrine Mosque in Sioux Falls Sunday evening for the very first South Dakota Rock and Roll Music Association hall of fame induction ceremony and dance. (whew, such a long title..gotta do something about that) After all, it was Memorial Day…

It’s Time To Rock And Roll

After 33 years of interviewing people FOR Keloland News..I’M the one who’s being interviewed BY Keloland News this time. My old pal and colleague, Perry Groten, has me up with the roosters Saturday morning to talk about the South Dakota Rock and Roll Music Association Hall of Fame induction ceremony at the Shrine Mosque (Formerly…

I’m In An Episode Of Cops

“Alright, Douglas,” said the nice policeman, (nobody calls me Douglas anymore except for Linda when she’s torqued at me about something) “just sign here and you can be on your way.”   On my way with a careless driving citation in my hand after sitting in the front seat of his Crown Vic for an…

Lady Liberty From The Inside Out

I don’t know about you but hardly a day goes by that I’m not reminded of that September morning in 2001 when terrorists crashed 2 hijacked airliners full of passengers into the World Trade Center..causing the twin towers to come down as the world watched in horror on television. Every time I see a program…

Myron Lee and the Caddies

Whether it’s an aroma..a sight..or a sound..our senses are sometimes able to trigger a memory that’s so real it’s as if time travel was actually possible.  For many of the baby-boomer generation, all that’s needed is to hear a song from the early days of rock and roll to be transported to a ballroom somewhere..…

The Name Game

Just think..fifty or so years from now, a little farm girl in Kansas may get a nasty bump on her head from a flying door during a tornado and slip off into a parallel universe where her only desire will be to get back home to her Auntie Em..short for Emma or maybe Emily.  Dorothy just…

Railroading In The Rockies

“Mr. Lund,” said the always cheery voice of Becky Otto when she called me from KELO a few weeks ago, “ Jay was wondering if you could stop down and see him at the station when you have a chance.” Jay is Jay Huizenga..the President and General Manager of Keloland. My ample stomach immediately began…

Rock and Roll III

As the weeks wind down to the South Dakota Rock and Roll Music Association’s Hall of Fame induction ceremony May 24th at the Shrine Mosque (formerly Arkota Ballroom) in Sioux Falls, here’s a closer look at two more of the groups who were selected to be included into the first group of inductees. In the late 1950’s,…