Where’s The Fire? (Designs)

It usually doesn’t take me long to zip through the Argus Leader each morning. I guess I’m not all that interested in the things the Argus thinks I should be like the latest medical acquisitions of our illustrious billionaire banker, Denny Sanford. But something on the front page this morning nearly caused me to fall…

Lund’s Annual Lake And Food Review

Just back from another mini vacation..or “stay-cation” as some might call it. The cell phone stays in the glove compartment and the computer remains in the case…okay, I did have it along but only fired it up once. I’ve written here before how much Linda and I enjoy our annual summer sojourns to Watertown..me for…

Covering A King’s Death

Now would be an excellent time for congress and the president to get things done in Washington without a lot of media scrutiny. The death of Michael Jackson has news operations putting just about everything else on hold..and that will likely be the case until Jacko is planted.   The many faces of Michael Jackson. Which one…

Lund at Large Talkin’ Trash

One of the real joys of retirement is being able to wake up each morning naturally (or in my case by nature calling) without a screaming alarm clock jarring us into consciousness. Every morning except Monday, that is. Monday is garbage collection day and apparently everyone in our part of town subscribes to a different…

Father Didn’t Always Know Best

I caught a whiff of cigarette smoke on the golf course the other day and it immediately triggered memories of my father. Dad was only 70 when he died 32 years ago. I say ONLY 70 because as I get closer to that age it doesn’t seem so old and by today’s life expectancy standards,…

A Day With Ella

Linda and I are babysitting today..well, Linda is babysitting..I’m sitting here writing about it offering to do my part as soon as I’m finished which is why I may be dawdling some. But it really is great to have a little kid running around the house again looking for the toys and music boxes she…

So Long Old Friends

    I don’t know how in the world I ever got to sleep at night before television. While most people require absolute quiet and darkness to achieve a proper night’s rest, I have to have a little light and a little noise to lull me into slumber. I’m not sure if it’s a basic…

What Month Is This Again?

Our desert daughter, Christy, arrived here last Sunday evening from Phoenix.  Linda and I went to pick her up at the airport and sat double parked outside the baggage claim..waiting. (It’s great that Allegient offers non-stop flights in and out of Sioux Falls..but they really should figure a way to speed up the process of…

Powerball Dreams

Seeing that nice young man from Mission, South Dakota hit the big Powerball jackpot reminded me of a story I wrote a couple years ago after another big money prize had been claimed. Since we’re in to Summer re-runs (or REPEATS as we used to call them) I thought I’d  do a REPOST for those who…

An Ace In The Hole

“Hey, Doug..you and Linda want to join Joanie and me at the Alpine for a drink?” said my pal Denny Graves when he called one evening a few days ago. We usually get together with the Graves’ at least once a week, but I could tell there was a different tone in his voice this time..almost…