All Aboard!

I’m just going to admit this right up front: I simply don’t have enough adjectives to describe what Linda and I along with 44 other Kelolanders have experienced over the last several days on our Railroading In The Rockies Tour. Sunday morning found us boarding the Rocky  Mountaineer Train for our two day journey from…

Butchart Gardens And Vancouver

Lord, my tootsies are tired. I haven’t walked this much since….well, I’ve never walked this much. But it’s not like I can’t use the exercise. We’re having a wee of a time, though, and seeing some incredible things…including Butchart Gardens on the island of Victoria, BC.  I admit that the idea of strolling around for…

Greetings from Victoria

At the risk of boring you to tears like when a relative drags out the home movies..I’m going to post a few pictures from our tour and offer a comment or two…so bear with me. We are currently in of the most beautiful cities we’ve ever seen. We ferried across from Port Angeles, Washington  aboard…

We’re Off To See The Wizard

Greetings from the Emerald City. Yes we made it to Seattle on the first leg of our Holiday Vacations journey through the great North American North West.  But our adventure had a rather auspicious start. “It’s 3:30 a.m.….my god, we’re late!”                                                   That was how I awoke Tuesday morning.Linda’s voice pierced the darkness when she discovered that…

My Fair Gigs Are All Gone

I wrapped up my Mogen’s Heroes summer tour with a performance at the South Dakota State Fair in Huron this past week. I retired from playing in the band several years ago but for some reason, John Mogen keeps inviting me back to sing with the guys at their fair gigs; The Sioux Empire, Turner County,…

Fraternizing With The Enemy

It was finally chilly enough the other day that I decided to wear one of my Minnesota Vikings sweatshirts (I have two) as I ran a few errands around town. I obviously wasn’t thinking because it was like walking around with a blinking billboard saying “Ask me about Brett Favre.”  Ugh.  “’d you like your…

Back In The System

Well, here we go..I’m on yet another diet. This time, it’s one that’s worked better for me than any of the others in the past; Nutrisystem. I know..that prepackaged stuff ain’t the real world, but I’ve got to do something before that day arrives when I’m standing in the kitchen scooping out a dish of…

Yea Or Nay On ELCA Gay sooner do Linda and I come back into the fold by joining the Evangelical Lutheran Church of America after many years absence..than the church gets itself all boiled up in controversy as big wigs of the ELCA get together in Minneapoils..take a vote and  decide it’s okay for homosexuals to become Lutheran ministers..just so…

A Couple Old Anchors’ Reunion

Jolted awake again this morning by loud noises and roaring engines coming from outside the house. Not garbage trucks this time, though. It’s our neighborhood’s turn to have the streets the big contraption that dispenses little waterfalls of tar (or whatever that black sticky stuff is) mixed with sand on our fired up…

You Can Go Home Again

I started feeling a little homesick on Friday which is odd since I haven’t lived in my ancestral home since 1965. I’ve been back to Volga many times since then, of course, but I’ve never really made time to check out some of the places that were such a major part of my life as…