Wish You Were Here!

  I always hated it when people would travel to warm places for their winter vacations and send back postcards of bronze women in bikinis dipping their toes in the tepid blue-green waters of a tropical ocean. Or of guys in short sleeve shirts and plaid Bermuda shorts playing January golf on a stunningly beautiful…

Living in a Cat House

  There have been a few changes in this beautiful town of Fountain Hills, Arizona in the year since we’ve been here. Oh, the air is still much purer than in the valley below and the community still doesn’t allow street lights so the stars shine gloriously bright in the night sky. The local residents,…

“A Lousy Drummer?” Ouch!

Whew! It was getting’ a little rough over there at that other blog; kinda personal too. Let’s try starting fresh here. I always expect a certain number of readers to get their undies in a bunch whenever I post something political but the one on Al Franken being certified winner of Minnesota’s tight U.S.Senate race…

Franken, My Dear, I Don’t Give a Damn

  “Saturday Night Live” will probably be remembered more for the catch phrases that came out of the show than the belly laughs it generated. Ie: “Never mind", "Isn’t that special," "I live in a van down by the river," "We just want to pump you up," "Yeah, that’s the ticket, " "Schhhwingg," I"’m getting…

Oh, What A Tangled Web We Weave

    Is it ever okay to tell a lie?   I certainly hope so otherwise, Linda and I had better get fitted for asbestos underwear because we’ve been unloading some whoppers for the last several weeks.   As I mentioned in an earlier blog, our desert daughter, Christy, couldn’t make it home for Christmas…