Confessions of a Rubber Necker

I don’t get that many calls. The only time I’m sure the phone will ring is at home when I’m in the bathroom or in church on Sunday right in the middle of the pastor’s sermon where he’s just about to explain a crucial element of sanctification by grace. Brrrrring..Brrrrrring..”Oh, dear lord,” I say to myself while…

Lund: The Al Bundy Years

It doesn’t take much, these days, to send me drifting off into some trance-like state where even forty year old memories can pop into my mind as fresh as the smell of this morning’s coffee.  Everybody daydreams, I suppose, but these journeys of mine are like self hypnosis. It happened the other day as I…


  There should be lots of you reading the blog today as you sit huddled at home afraid to leave the house because it’s…well, you know, FRIDAY THE 13TH. I’ll probably stick close to home too but it has nothing to do with being superstitious, I just don’t have anywhere to go.  That’s not to say…

Meriwether Lewis S.D.Legacy

I watched some of President Obama’s news conference last night and quickly realized I should have paid more attention to the teacher during high school economics and bookkeeping classes because nothing he was saying sounded familiar.  I kept thinking, isn’t this like a guy in debt up to his eyeballs, trying to get a few more…

Keloland Homecoming

Bzzzzzt! “My gosh, it still works,” I thought to myself as I waved my old coded  ID card in front of the little black box outside the Keloland parking lot and the gate slowly rose to let me in. It had been a few months since I’d paid a visit to the TV station where I spent so many…

O.K. Steve, I Apologize

I know, I know, this is a day late..but in the spirit of Hemmingsen’s National Day of Apology, I would like to extend a belated “I’m sorry” to the Arizona Cardinals football team..its fans and everyone who lost money wagering on the Super Bowl.Kurt’s obviously not superstitious but I am It’s all my fault; the…

Home Again, Home Again, Jiggity Jig

Alas, the time has come for us to point the big ol’ Lincoln Northeast and head back where we belong; the land of cold and ice and snow. This vacation has been wonderful but there’s something unnatural about two South Dakota marshmallows dodging all the responsibilities of winter in order to wallow in the warmth…

Give Me A Ring

If you’ve just finished eating or are about to start..I apologize in advance for the following: I was reminded this week of an old joke about a Norwegian gentleman using an outdoor toilet. As he was pulling up his pants, some change fell out of the pockets and down the hole. He then took a five…

God Speed, Mr. President

I suppose some of you might be wondering if I have anything to say about the torch being passed in Washington on Tuesday or if I’m just going to continue writing about cats. Probably cats. Reporters and commentators have pretty much exhausted the English language trying to come up with just the right superlatives to…

Cat Tails, Cardinals & Cinerama

    Well, that was a startling start to the morning. As I stumbled into the kitchen in my bare feet, I accidentally stepped on one of the cat’s tails and in a fraction of a second all of her feline genetic juices kicked in. Her ears instinctively went back tight to her head..she fell…