Driving Me Crazy

Hello from Gallup, New Mexico! What a day it’s been; four states covered as we continue this year’s frazzled attempt to motor west to Phoenix. A few miles out of Dodge City, this morning we suddenly encounter the remnants of an overnight snowfall that didn’t amount to more than three inches but literally put the…

Get Outta Dodge

Well, here we are in Dodge City. Marshall Dillon, Miss Kitty and Festus are no where to be found, though. Linda and I feel like a couple of drovers who’ve been rode hard and put up wet after following the suggestion of my golf buddies to take the short cut through Kansas on our trip…

Al Schock R.I.P.

When I read in the paper this morning that Al Schock had died I nearly fell off the toilet. Now, Al would have liked that joke although he may have considered it a bit too risqué for inclusion in any of his joke or toastmaster books. I’m not surprised he made it to age 89.…

Merry Christmas Anyway

Well, it sure took its sweet time getting here but the Christmas spirit finally showed up at my door Wednesday night. I’ve been more grumpy than usual lately. It’s more than the minute by minute reminders of the big blizzard that’s keeping so many families apart, including mine, this year. I woke up Monday morning…

Bah Humbug

This is going to be a quickie..but Oh, My Gosh I just realized that all I need is one more entry to post my 300th Lund at Large blog. I need to get it on line before Hemmingsen..who is one post shy of an amazing 800! I’m so grateful to Keloland for this opportunity to…

Thanks For The Ride

I’m saying goodbye to an old friend today. “White Lightning,” our 1990 Lincoln Town Car has finally grown tired of being resuscitated and forced me into pulling the plug so she can drift off to wherever big ol’ gas guzzling clunkers go when the cost of filling the empty fuel tank exceeds the appraised value of…

Hair Today..Gone Tomorrow?

I’m growing a moustache..or at least attempting to.   Now, wait..before you all race to make comments like, good grief Lund don’t you know they went out in the 80’s? Only porn stars and cops wear moustaches anymore…..hear me out.   I’ve never been able to grow facial hair worth a darn. A few patches…

Channel Surfing

Linda and I have a pretty laid back life in our retirement. She loves to read and I love to be on the computer and watch TV.  A perfect marriage. Last night, we had a dinner date…. without leaving our cozy little house. She fixed a couple steaks and we snuggled up on the couch…

Toy Story

Let’s be honest, shall we?  Christmas to a child is all about the toys.  Oh, I know..your kids are different because you’ve made darn sure that they understand and appreciate the true reason for the season and all that, but once they see those  brightly wrapped boxes under the tree with their name on it..well,…

Estelline’s Portal To The Past

Ever since H.G. Wells wrote about it, people have been fascinated by the concept of time travel. I, too have dreamed about stepping through a portal to the past to experience first hand what life was really like untainted by faulty memories and flattering recollections.. Well, I’m here to tell you such a place “does”…