Getting Prostrate for the Prostate..Exam

  Remember that robotic voice you’d hear when the National Weather Service would break-in radio or television programming to issue severe weather warnings? No, I’m not talking about Jay Trobec. This voice had..and maybe still does have.. an androgynous monotone not unlike the Conehead characters when they say, “we’re from France.” Thanks to advances in…

What’s Up Doc?

"What’s the patient’s name please?" "America..U.S. America." "Is that with a K or a C?" "That would be a C." "Okay, what seems to be the trouble with America?" "Well, she just hasn’t been herself lately, doc. She used to be so beautiful…inside and out.  In fact, that’s what we called her, America the beautiful. She…

Some Food for Thought

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittensBright copper kettles and warm woolen mittensBrown paper packages tied up with stringsThese are a few of my favorite things." I haven’t seen the movie, "The Sound of Music" in why is that song running over and over through my head? I like the tune okay but can’t possibily…

I Like Fast Women

I suppose a headline like that could get me kicked right out of Springdale Lutheran Church just a week after joining. But get your minds out of the gutter, people, I’m talking about women who are involved in motorsports..not as trophy girls but drivers. 26 year old Danica Patrick would be welcome as a trophy…

Katie Couric, Dropping Anchor?

Even though I’ve been away from it for a while now, I still read the web sites and blogs that focus on the business of television news and what I’m reading a lot about these days is the inescapable conclusion that the expensive Katie Couric experiment on the CBS evening news has been a magnificent failure…

Taxing Issues

  “Hi Dad..good to hear from you,” my daughter, Suzan, said when I called Saturday. “How are you doin’? I asked. “Well, I’m a little frazzled, she said,  because I haven’t gotten our taxes done yet.” “You haven’t? You’re getting money back aren’t you..why wait until the last minute to file?” “’re a fine one…

Testing..One,Two, Three, Testing

I detest tests. Always have.   I do okay at crossword puzzles or games like Trivial Pursuit which challenge one’s basic knowledge, but when it comes down to the real deal for important stuff, like a driver’s license exam or applying for membership in the Mensa Society (kidding)  I freeze up like a raccoon in…

Remembering Kenny Anderson

  Well, here it is..Monday. The city election is tomorrow and I still haven’t decided who I’m going to vote for. Or is it whom? Ah, whom gives a darn?   Linda and I live in the Northeast district which has had a real growth spurt in recent years..more of a growth gusher, actually. Unlike…

Picture Perfect

  This is one of my favorite Normal Rockwell illustrations. It shows that even the greats can occasionally run out of ideas. I’m certainly not comparing myself to Rockwell, but it’s good to know that he’d get stumped once in a while too when faced with a deadline…real or self made. As I was looking…