Beer..the Refreshing Investment

Okay..after another 14 percent drop in the stock market last week I’m really thinking about pulling out what little money Linda and I have left in our shrinking retirement fund and putting it into something that might keep us from having to move in with our kids. (I’m not sure if they’d take both of…

The Bodies Human Exhibit

I got used to seeing a lot of dead bodies at a very early age. My aunt, Leila, was married to longtime Volga mortician and Brookings County coroner, Conrad Lee. He was in charge of picking up the person who had died, making arrangements with the families and embalming the bodies. She handled the job…

One Tank Trip

Sorry it’s been so long since my last scribbling here but Linda and I have been on vacationwith our friends the Graves. I know what you’re’re retired..your whole “life” is a vacation. That may be true but we sure enjoy our getaways each June with Denny and Joan. We made good on our threat to invade…

Ahem, is that my ATM?

I’ll be getting my new ATM card in the mail within a few days. I drove up to make a withdrawal from a machine this past week and discovered that it was no longer in amongst my other cards and cash that I always carry in my front pocket. At first a little panic came…

Old Timers, Tiger, Ferguson & Atkins

When author Thomas Wolfe titled his final book, “You Can’t go Home Again,” he didn’t mean it literally, of course, because that’s just what my brother, Denny, and I did this past weekend for the annual Volga “Old Timer’s Day” celebration.  Way back when, there must have been a younger member of the city council who…

My French Father (In-Law)

I was pretty nervous the first time I met Linda’s Dad, Len Trudeau, at a family picnic in Alcester 28 years ago. I’m sure the fact that his second-born daughter was dating the likes of me..a twice divorced Norwegian Lutheran..caused him more than a little concern. But he knew who I was from watching me…

Is My Les Paul Special?

Les Paul turned 93 this week. I’m guessing a lot of you..especially those of you under 40..haven’t the remotest idea of who Les Paul is. That’s too bad because he changed music forever. In 1941, Les Paul pioneered development of the solid body electric guitar which made rock and roll possible. He also invented the 8…

Watertown on the Brain

I can’t believe it..Summer begins in just a few days and I keep waiting for Spring to get started. Each Sunday, Pastor Haugrud, at our little rural church called Springdale, offers up prayers that God will grant favorable weather for the farmers in our midst. It’s not very often around these parts that the Almighty…

Crazy Horse Then and Now

Stop touching me.You stop touching me. I’m not. You are too. (pinch) Ouch! (pinch back) Stop it Dumbo ears. Make me.. upside down ears. (shove, pinch, hit..wailing cry) That’s usually when my red faced Dad would hit the brakes, pull our 1953 Mercury over to the side of the road turn around to my older brother and me in the…

Amazing Pictures From the Past

Ah, yes..another rainy Monday.  Looks like golf is out again. I knew I should have mowed the yard yesterday. Dang! It’s on days like this that I get lost on the internet. It’s called surfing, I guess, but it’s more like one thing leading to another. I’ll see something about Harmon Killebrew and google his…