The Buzz is Back to Bug Me

Linda absolutely loves the summertime. In fact, she starts fretting about it being over on the very first day it begins because the summer solstice means that days will start getting shorter again and before you know’ll be time to unpack the bulk knit sweaters and start planning Christmas dinner. For me, the sure…

Okoboji Memories

The first time I ever set foot into the Keloland building in downtown Sioux Falls, where I would eventually spend so much of my life, was…I think…in 1961. My cousin and I were there to audition for a locally produced program called Okoboji Varieties. I don’t remember too much about the show except it featured…

Doug’s Den KEEP OUT!

Linda dared to invaded my little corner of the house this morning;  it’s where  you can find me most any time of the day when I’m not on the golf course or in front of the TV. It used to be Christy’s room but since she hasn’t lived here for 13 years, I decided, after…

Sun Powered Cars

I’m not sure if it was guilt over my anti-wind generator rant here earlier this week…or just a natural curiosity..but I rode my motorcycle over to Falls Park on Wednesday to check out the arrival of sun-powered cars taking part in the North American Solar Challenge race from Texas to Calgary. (they spell race…

Retirement..Some Second Thoughts

Brrrrrrrrring! “Good afternoon, Keloland news.” “Uh, hi. This is Doug Lund, could I speak to the general manager please?” “Doug who?” “Lund..I used to work there.” “Okay, Mr. Lind, I’ll connect you.”   “No, it’s Lun….” “Hello, this is Jay.” “’s Doug.” “Doug……ahhhh?“Lund!” “Oh, yes, Doug. What’s up?” “We’ll I’ve watching the marathon coverage on…

A Giant Mistake

    I watched the movie “Giant” the other night.  Hadn’t seen it since I was a kid when I thought it was just about the greatest movie ever. It starred Rock Hudson as Bick Benedict, an early 20th century Texas cattle baron who believed that cows were a better more respectable way to earn…

Help! My Yard Has Fallen and Can’t Get Up

The grass is always greener….in somebody else’s yard. As I write this, a young lady from the South Dakota Extension Service is circling our house taking pictures of my sad looking lawn.During the spring, Green 4 Ever sent soil samples to SDSU for analysis to try figure out why..with an irrigation system to take care…

Where Do We Go After We Die?

Did you ever think when the hearse rolls byThat  you might be the next one to die?They wrap you up in a clean white sheetAnd bury you down about six feet deep. The worms crawl in the worms crawl outThe worms play pinochle on your snout. They eat your clothes they eat your hatThey crawl…

Remembering Charles Kuralt

Doug, what I try to do is begin each story with a sentence or two that will get people’s attention; arouse their curiosity so they’ll want to read on. I like to end a story the same way, perhaps with a turned phrase or touch of irony that will leave the reader with a smile…