Excerpt from Lund at Large blog May 24th, 2011
“We have heard that grandson, Taylor, has already had a taste of battle in Afghanistan. I pray God will watch over him and his fellow Marines as they fight to rid the world of those who would have us live in terror.”
April 23rd 2012
Many of you who read my meanderings on this blog joined with Linda and me 11 months ago in offering up prayers for Taylor’s safety. Too often we don’t make it a point to give thanks or even mention when prayers are answered as they have been for our grandson. His five year commitment to our country and The Corps, came to a conclusion this week and he is back home safe and sound. Thanks be to God and to all those who sought His mercy on Tay’s behalf.
He and the Marines in his platoon experienced excitement and horrors only other battle-seasoned veterans can understand. Many in Taylor’s unit, including him, had digital cameras along to chronicle some of it; a very personal glimpse into Lima Company’s journey through hell. The following are just a few of those images:

The Few The Proud in Afghanistan. Taylor is 2nd from left.

The platoon encounters a sandstorm while on patrol. It was the only one during their tour but it was a doozey.

An IED (improvised explosive device) goes off in the distance. A sickeningly regular occurance.

Taylor stands in hole left by IED

Close up of a pressure plate used in making IEDs.

SGT. Smith in a lighter moment aboard a confiscated ass

A not so light moment as Taylor calls in a helecopter to evacuate a wounded comrade.

The chopper arrives.

Injured buddy still has sense of humor despite face full of shrapnel.

Last photo of Lance Cpl. Mark Goyet. He was shot and killed later that day.

Taylor at the memorial for his buddy, Cpl. Goyet killed in action.

Still, the war goes on. Taylor (on right) about to depart for night patrol.

Back at camp. 48 hours without sleep. Dead tired but still alive.

Taylor captioned this photo; "probably thinking about home."

You can take the boy out of South Dakota but.....

Taylor's caption: "Finally leaving this s**t hole.

Taylor says goodbye to his band of brothers who've been through so much together

Thank you Lord.

And thank you Taylor.

Thursday night welcome home dinner with brother, Tucker and big sister, Tara

Relieved Mama Brenda.."I can finally breathe again."